Welcome to our Company !
If you are looking for best quality or original Laptop, MacBook & iMac parts and its solutions then you have come to the right place WIT Computers It is only one specialized organization which has been providing to sell the quality based Laptop, MacBook & iMac accessories and put forward to repair the Notebooks and Netbooks by the experienced Engineers since 1999 in Bangladesh. Our pricing is not cheap, but competitive, with a focus on quality which is more economical in the long term. Our commitment is to fully satisfy each and every one of our clients with top quality customer service to compliment the high-quality products we supply. Thank you to all of our valued and loyal clients for your dedicated support over 20 (Twenty) years. “Quality is our number 1 priority” and “Our clients are respected and valued” which depend greatly on providing the highest quality products at the most competitive prices. We are committed to supplying a variety of Laptop, MacBook & iMac parts for fulfilling your needs. Here, you will get excellence in both products and customer service. It is only one specialized farm on Laptop, MacBook & iMac accessories in Bangladesh.
Why You Choose WIT ?

History of Beginning
WIT Computers is One and Only Specialized Organization which has been providing to sell the quality based Laptop, MacBook & iMac accessories and put forward to repair the Notebooks and Netbooks by the experienced Engineers since 1999 in Bangladesh.
We have 02 (two) outlets at Dhanmondi and IDB Bhaban, Dhaka.

What we really do?
WIT Computers is a Provider of Laptop, MacBook & iMac Accessories also have a serving unit. Specialized on Laptop, MacBook & iMac Accessories.

What can we do for you ?
Our dedicated team willing to serve the support for our honorable clients.
Live chat via Facebook Messenger
Helpline: +88 01688-666777, +88 01713-016513 , +88 01818-184890 , +88 01842-652621
E-mail: ecommercewit@gmail.com
Quality is first, Trading is last”. — it’s our motto.